By Briseis Schreibman
photo credit to White Board Animation
We’ve all been thinking a lot lately about how to keep clean. Sanitizing groceries, ourselves, our clothing; It’s as if sanitizing has become a new Olympic sport. Though there’s one type of cleaning that may seem especially daunting… pet grooming.
With many groomers and other non-essential pet services closed, you may be tasked with keeping your pet groomed for the first time in a long time. Whether you’re a pet grooming champ looking to refresh their skills or a newbie just learning the ropes, CUP is here with a few easy tips.
First things first, the type of pet you have, their breed, their temperament, and general health are all essential things to understand before you start any grooming routine. Taking the time to research the types of care your pet may need is a great way to build confidence and feel assured that you are keeping you and your pet safe.
Next, try to create a consistent routine around grooming. Take note of how often you should be doing nail cuttings, combing, teeth brushing, etc. and make yourself a physical or digital schedule. Having a consistent schedule allows you to ensure you have plenty of time for the task. Grooming can run longer than you initially plan for if your furry friend gets grumpy or anxious, so it’s best to give yourself ample time.
Finally, after a grooming session is done, your pet may be a little cranky. Don’t take this personally, they may need some time to cool off, but they’ll be back to their lovey self soon after.
With some patience and preemptive planning, you can make your grooming sessions the best they can be and help your pet stay healthy and happy.
With some patience and preemptive planning, you can make your grooming sessions the best they can be and help your pet stay healthy and happy.
I appreciate that this post assured us that by sending our pets for regular grooming, it will help maintain and improve their well-being and health. My wife and I own a couple of dogs. I will have them groomed since they have not been groomed for awhile now.